
Aligning SMSF Compliance with COVID-19
The ATO has published answers to a number of frequently asked questions relating SMSF compliance as a result of COVID-19…

What Happens Once an LRBA is Paid Out?
While paying out a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) can free up cash and finally bring in some additional income…

The Impact of Part A Qualifications
Before it became an ATO reporting requirement in the 2019 annual return, Part A qualifications were primarily ignored within the…

The New Era of SMSF Penalties
We’ve entered a new era of SMSF administrative penalties where trustees are facing the consequences of any illegal activity in…

How to Pass the Sole Purpose Test
Making sure an SMSF passes the sole purpose test (“SPT”) is one of the cornerstones of operating a compliant SMSF….

New Rules Turn NALI Into Gnarly
The government has recently passed legislation to reduce the ambiguity surrounding the effect of non-arms length expenditure (NALE) on SMSFs. Where a fund incurs less (or nil) expenditure by participating in a…

Does SMSF Litigation Risk Die with Trustees?
How many times have we heard that it’s only an SMSF audit; there’s not much in the fund, or it’s…

Why Didn’t My SMSF Auditor Check That?
SMSF auditors are the last link in a long superannuation chain before the annual return gets lodged. And when things…

Accepting EOFY Contributions After June 30
Typically, SMSF contributions aren’t counted until the payment is received in the fund’s bank account. The problems start, however, when…

3 Simple Rules for Related Parties
Trying to identify related party transactions in an SMSF can seem like pulling apart a set of Russian dolls: the…